Ineffective Lines to shout out at Women from your Car
I’m overcome by your attractiveness!
Nice jogging shoes!
Hey look, Mister!
You’ll never see your mom again!
You resemble my mother from behind!
Since the beginning of time technology has reached breakthroughs until now!!!
Eight worst cases to get wood
While taking a dump
Making love with your wife
In a mass as a sacristan
Landing on the moon
Delivering a baby
Extinguishing a burning house
In the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks
Falling off a 70 storey building
Ways to avoid DUI
Keep a limited speed
If you see a parked monitoring police car, ram into it until it’s fully immobilized
Pull over, shift to the back seat, tell the cop your car’s name is KITT and you have no idea why he was swerving
Pull over, immediately cover car with black fabric. What drunk driver? I don’t see him
Tell officer you’re used to right hand drive ways and always have cramps
Convince police that you’re invisible